We want to take a moment to say “Thank you” to some of our faithful members who pick up a weekly donation from a local restaurant and deliver it to the Food Bank at PCM!
Thank you goes to our precious members who give so generously to our monthly “Donation Station”. PCM gives us a needs list each quarter of the year for items needed at the PCM Food Bank, and our Trinity members never fail to come through for those in need.
Thank you to all who have brought in medicine bottles to be sent to Matthew 25: Ministries! We are getting ready to mail a big box to them! The medicine bottles will either be sent overseas to be used by those in need, or recycled for funds that can be used for the good works the organization is doing.
Thanks to all who are saving plastic bags (Walmart shopping bag style) and bringing them to the church to be recycled to make mats for the homeless.
Thank you to the kind souls who quietly come and hand weed the front flower beds of the church. You are a lovely example for us.
And thank you to all who give so generously of their time, talents and resources to bless those in need.