Ladies… Have you lost your FOCUS (Finding Our Center Under Stress)?

This FOCUS Brunch Event is Inspiration for the

BUSY-ness of Life!

Focus Brunch on November 10, 2018

The women of the McCracken County United Methodist Churches will be presenting a brunch on 11/10/18, Saturday morning, from 9:30 am until noon for ladies of all faith.

This FOCUS Brunch event will feature Meagan Musselman. An active Christian, wife, mom to three, business owner and entrepreneur, Meagan will offer inspirational tips on FINDING OUR CENTER UNDER STRESS. The event will be held at Trinity United Methodist Church at 6125 Blandville Road in Paducah.

Tickets are $10.00/each, or a table of 6 for $60.00. Free childcare is available, but please RSVP your children by calling 270-534-9516 before the event date. You can purchase tickets at Trinity UMC, or CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE TICKETS to purchase online at our secure giving site, (there is a 25 cent processing fee per ticket when using the online site).

All benefits from this event will go towards providing local children an opportunity to attend DAYSHORE…a week-long day camp brought to Paducah by Lakeshore Camps & Retreat Center from Eva, TN.